Migration has become a part of almost everyone’s life today. Gone are the times when it was decided that only birds migrate during winters to somewhere warm. People also enjoy migrating for a few months during the cold climatic conditions to escape from the chill and cold that the winter months bring with them, and they are called snowbirds. Many shipment services help such families to get packing and move to their new temporary address.
Ship a Car, Inc. is the expert snowbird car shipping service in the US. They are so famous for helping the snowbirds with their relocation during winters that they have some regular customers that contact them when it is time for their migration. If you also love to be a part of their family, then feel free to visit their webpage and book their service this winter.
Facts about snowbirds
Here are some of the facts about the snowbirds for those who are not well versed with the term.
- Snowbirds are not the birds
Snowbirds are actually the travelers that have the habit of traveling during a particular season in a year. During the winter months, these families prefer relocating to a location with warm climatic conditions.
- Snowbirds flock together
Thousands of snowbird couples travel together during the winter months with one another towards the warm states. They plan together and leave for their migration months together,
- Snowbirds are also known as winter visitors
Not every migrating couple likes it when someone tags them with the name snowbirds. Hence, the people normally refer to these couples as winter travelers as well.
- Pickleball is the favorite game of snowbirds
Pickleball is a game that is formed by blending many games such as badminton, ping pong, and tennis. These are the favorite games of the snowbirds.
- Snowbird is the term that is in use for centuries
The term “snowbirds” was first used for the workers that traveled during the winter months towards the southern states. The constant usage of this term became a habit for the people that travel south during winters. The term was first started in the year 1920s and it stuck on since then.
- Pets also travel with the snowbirds
The migration is not just reserved for the snowbird families but for their pets also. They take their pets with them to the southern states during winters while planning the migration.
- Canada is the source of international snowbirds
Studies have shown that 10% of international travelers have found a permanent location outside the US. At least 4 out of 5 such snowbird families are Canadians.
- An association of snowbirds in Canada
There is an association that is formed in Canada called Canadian Snowbird Association and it has more than 80,000 families as members. The maximum percentage of the members of this association are the people belonging to the age of 65 and above. This association focuses on defending the rights of Canadian travelers during their travel.
Just like birds, many families also like to escape from the cold climatic conditions during winters. Hence, they choose warm states like Florida for migration during these months.