If you are facing challenges regarding your finances, losing your current job may sound like a horrifying thing. Many people tend to get scared that they might lose their current job if they file for bankruptcy and end up in a worse financial condition.
If you are unsure whether bankruptcy will affect your job and employment, you should consult a bankruptcy attorney in Kingston, NY, for your case. They help provide the necessary information regarding the process and assist in dealing with all the legal formalities.
The effect of bankruptcy unemployment is complex and dependent on the specifics of a particular case. Bankruptcy can affect your employment status in two ways. It can impact your current job or future employment offers in specific ways.
- In terms of your current job, it is not allowed for the employer to terminate you if you go bankrupt. Federal laws regarding any discrimination protect you after filing for bankruptcy. They help protect your interests from the employers and any possible punishments or termination.
- They are not allowed to engage in retaliatory acts of negativity towards the employee who filed for bankruptcy. Activities like reduction of salary, taking away responsibilities, demotion, alteration in job titles, and creating hostility in the office by the employer are illegal by the law.
However, many employers tend to fire their employees or engage in retaliation toward their employees who go bankrupt. It is necessary to acknowledge the discrimination and take the steps needed to work out your prediction. If your employer threatens to fire or demote you, you are entitled to raise a lawsuit against your employer. Suppose he or she is engaging in any activities which are bound to be a violation of laws protecting employees from bankruptcy. In that case, the employer will be required to compensate the employee for their loss of income or reinstate them to the previous job post. They will be required to compensate for all the damages the worker faces due to their discriminatory work ethics.
Remember that you are provided with legal protection against termination or retaliation from the employer only on the grounds of bankruptcy. If your employer provides a valid reason for terminating you other than bankruptcy, you will not be allowed to have a lawsuit due to a lack of reasonability. If you are confused about your case, it is suggested to get professional help from an experienced attorney regarding your case so that you take the required measures to seek justice.