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Every home’s main water line will inevitably experience wear and tear over many years, and this is the result of household water usage, weather, and many other factors impacting your residential plumbing system.

Although it’s sometimes difficult to notice, it’s crucial to act when you need a new water line at your property. We’ve teamed up with the water main replacement lehi utah experts at Beehive Plumbing to develop this list of warning signs oriented around needing this crucial plumbing repair, and the below red flags might surprise you.

So, keep reading on to see if you’re noticing any common warning signs associated with needing a new main water line at your house!

Abnormal Water Bill Increases

If your home’s water bills are suddenly rising out of nowhere, it could mean that something more serious is happening beyond increased household usage.

This is many times the first warning sign that homeowners notice when it comes to water main replacement projects, because this is often an indication that your water line is leaking.

Water Pressure Problems

If your home’s showers are providing inconsistent water pressure or flow, there may be something wrong with your home’s water line. Low water pressure is also a common symptom associated with needing a water main replacement.

In places like Lehi Utah, sediment buildup is a significant problem that impacts countless homes. Your water pressure problems could be the result of sediment buildup within your line, which could have created significant corrosion.

Water Stains On Walls & Ceilings

This is another serious red flag associated with needing a new water line at your home, and it’s the type of warning sign that simply cannot be neglected. These types of water stains are indicative of serious leaks, which will need to be pinpointed and repaired as quickly as possible.

Pest Infestation Issues

If you’re suddenly beginning to notice an abnormal amount of pests and insects inside of your home, or you’re starting to see rats inside your house, then it could mean that pests are infiltrating your underground water lines and reaching your home’s interior via your plumbing system.

Although pest infestations of course can be caused by other household issues, it’s yet another warning sign that you should get your main water line inspected by a plumbing professional.

Strange Sounds Coming From Your Walls

This is another abnormal warning sign associated with water main replacement projects, because abnormal sounds coming from your home’s walls are a sign that something isn’t right with your system’s water delivery.

This is particularly troubling when you hear the wall sounds as you turn on your faucets.

Diminishing Household Water Quality

Although the above red flags are certainly startling, this warning sign of water main issues can actually have a detrimental impact on a household’s health. If you’re noticing any kind of discoloration within your home’s water supply, or if it appears dirty or smells funny, then you should definitely not drink it.

When a main water line is significantly compromised, it can create unhealthy water. And this, of course, must be fixed as quickly as possible!

Pools Of Water In Your Yard

Strange puddle formations in your yard are also problematic when it comes to water line stability, because these puddles often indicate an underground leak. Be sure to check your water bills when you do see these strange puddles, because a strange increase in your bill could be the next warning sign that you’ll need to verify a water main leak.

Contact Beehive Plumbing When You Need A Water Main Replacement Lehi Utah!

There’s a lot that homeowners need to consider when they’re concerned about the integrity of their main water line, and we all know just how important this pipeline is for any home’s safety and overall comfort.

The good news is that every municipality has water main replacement specialists that can help you when things go terribly wrong, and the Lehi Utah experts at Beehive Plumbing are just a click away when you go to the hyperlink at the beginning of this article!

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