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Losing your teeth can leave you with serious confidence and self-esteem issues. Even a couple of decades back, dentures were the only way to restore many missing teeth. With advancements in cosmetic dentistry, we now have dental implants that are a more permanent and better way of addressing the concern. Before you visit a Fort Myers, FL dentist to discuss the procedure, here are some quick details about dental implants.

Understanding dental implants

A dental implant is made of titanium and works as a screw. It goes in the placing of your missing tooth root and serves as the primary foundation for an abutment. The abutment holds the replacement teeth in place. You can get removable or fixed teeth on your implants, and in some cases, your dentist may even suggest getting a bridge.

Should you consider implants?

Replacing a tooth is not just about fixing your smile. If you don’t replace a lost tooth, rapid reduction in bone mass can lead to other concerns. In fact, if you are missing many teeth at once, this can alter your facial structure. Not to forget, the remaining teeth can drift from their original place. Implants help prevent bone atrophy, which can promote overall oral health.

Are dental implants better than dentures?

Yes, there are several benefits of dental implants over dentures. Firstly, you will have a perfect smile, and because your replacement teeth will not move around, you wouldn’t have to deal with concerns while eating or talking. Also, dentures need replacement at some point, while dental implants become a part of your oral structure and can last a lifetime.

Is the procedure complicated?

Getting dental implants requires oral surgery. Your dentist will decide if you are an ideal candidate for the procedure and whether you can withstand the surgery. It can take up to 12 weeks or more for your jawbone to heal after the dental implants are placed. You may have to wait for a few months before getting replacement teeth. Done by an experienced and capable dentist, you don’t have much to worry about the surgery or the entire procedure.

Final word

You may need to see your dentist many times to get dental implants. Ensure that you understand the costs and plan your schedule accordingly. Also, ask the dental practice if they accept your insurance plan. While dental implants are expensive, this is a solution for your entire life ahead. Book an appointment today to find more details.

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