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While tartar and plaque below the gum line lead to an extremely severe episode of gum disease, a deep dental cleaning is often required. A thorough dental cleaning can substantially improve periodontal health, decreasing the likelihood of tooth loss or gum and bone issues. A dental practice in Maryville, TN can help you with it.

The intent and procedure of a thorough dental cleansing

A deep dental cleaning aims to enhance periodontal health by cleaning below the gum line. A routine cleaning only involves cleaning along the gum line, whereas a thorough cleaning is more involved. In most cases, it is to treat gum disease, whereas a routine cleansing serves more of a preventative purpose. 

What is a thorough cleaning of the teeth?

A thorough dental cleaning, also known as root planing and scaling, is an oral health procedure that cleanses below the gum line. Scaling will be followed by root planning as the two phases of the procedure. The treatment reduces the likelihood of tooth loss and severe periodontitis. 

When is a thorough cleaning of the teeth necessary?

Comprehensive cleaning is required when standard cleaning is insufficient to treat periodontal disease. Indications of needing a thorough dental cleaning involve bleeding gums during brushing, deep gum pockets, gum color change, jaw bone loss, and gum recession. Despite the fact that a deep dental cleaning cannot heal gum disease, it is frequently required to halt the symptoms and bring the condition under control. 

What are the advantages of comprehensive dental cleaning?

A thorough dental cleaning is not a pleasant experience, but it is helpful for the patient’s health in the long run. A patient with moderate to severe periodontal disease will frequently undergo a thorough dental cleaning. The disease will ultimately result in deep gum pockets, bone loss in the mandible, and gum recession, all of which could result in tooth loss if left untreated. A deep dental cleaning aids in treating periodontal disease by removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gum line that cannot be accessed by excellent oral hygiene or routine dental cleaning. This cleansing helps prevent the premature loss of teeth. 

How to recuperate following a thorough dental cleaning?

A thorough dental cleaning is minimally invasive, but patients may experience discomfort for several hours after treatment. To keep the pain tolerable, maintain a clean mouth by drinking water, rinsing with saline water, and consuming soft foods. In addition, refraining from eating for a few hours until the edema subsides is beneficial. Any discomfort should subside within twenty-four hours. If severe symptoms persist, consult a dentist to determine the most effective way to address the problem. 

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