Hyperdontia, also called supernumerary teeth, is a dental condition wherein an extra strip of teeth develops in the mouth apart from the normal dentition. These extra teeth can come in different shapes, sizes, and places in the mouth. While the exact cause isn’t fully understood, both genetic factors and environmental influences during pregnancy are thought to contribute to hypodontia.
Treatment options vary based on the specific situation. They may include monitoring the patient’s condition, removing the extra teeth, or using prosthetic solutions like bridges or implants. Since having this condition can be daunting, you should contact a dentist to know how to handle it best. If you live in Ontario, dental care for your family in Burlington, ON can be easily availed!
Symptoms of hyperdontia
- The most noticeable and obvious symptom of hyperdontia is the presence of additional teeth that can be observed in the mouth. These extra teeth can resemble normal teeth or be smaller as well.
- Supernumerary teeth can cause overcrowding in the mouth, which leads to misalignment or irregular spacing of the normal teeth.
- The presence of extra teeth in your mouth can cause the neighboring teeth to shift or be placed haphazardly.
Causes of hyperdontia
Hyperdontia is mainly caused due to genetics, as mentioned earlier. Things like your eating habits or your level of oral hygiene do not matter when it comes to hyperdontia.
- You might have Gardner’s disease, a rare genetic disorder marked by skin cysts or growths in the skull.
- When a mother is exposed to infections or experiences trauma during pregnancy, it can affect the development of the baby’s teeth, which might contribute to the occurrence of hyperdontia.
How can I treat hypodontia?
You do not need to get your extra teeth surgically removed right away. In severe cases only, the dentist might advise extracting those teeth.
- As mentioned earlier, you need not immediately schedule an appointment with your doctor and remove the extra teeth. You may wait for some time to decide if it is affecting you in any way.
- If the extra teeth are causing issues such as overcrowding, misalignment, or affecting your permanent teeth, then it might be necessary to remove them surgically.
- In some cases, the dentist might also advise you to get braces to avoid malocclusion. Malocclusion causes your teeth to rub each other every time you close or open your mouth or speak, causing the enamel to wear off.
- If it is impossible to remove the extra teeth or if they have caused noticeable damage to the neighboring teeth, then dental bridges or implants could be options for you to consider. In fact, these solutions can help restore the function and aesthetics of the affected area in your mouth.