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Using a window well is the best addition to any home with a basement. It is made to give more fresh air and light in an underground room where you can enjoy them as part of your home. Basement egress windows can be used as your emergency exit when someone is stuck in a space. These are the best functions, but diverting water from your foundation is essential. When you have installed basement window covering, it will help to prevent water from building up against the glass and the frame of your windows. A drain must be placed at the well’s bottom and connected to a perimeter drainage system or interior sump pump. These drains need maintenance to work well; you can call window well repair when something is wrong. These are the essential maintenance tips to help you keep it from problems, and your basement will be dry and clean.

Keep away debris

It is usual to keep a window well drain system working well. When you think about the design of the basement windows, it is natural that debris will happen inside these spaces. For beginners, they are below the ground, where gravity will pull things to a low space. Your foundation will work as your natural barrier, stopping drifting or blowing items. When trapped inside the well, these items have nowhere to go and will get pulled to the drain opening. You have to ensure your drain has a screen or cover that will keep the debris from going inside and causing a clog in the underground pipes. You must check the window base regularly to ensure the dirt, leaves, and branches are not building up inside. It will help your drains reroute the water from your windows and provide an attractive space when you check inside.

Maintain window well

Window well maintenance is the best to protect your home’s foundation and will help you be safe. Window wells must be empty and clean, and you must ensure nothing has fallen, like sticks, toys, or leaves. When things pile up at the bottom, it will prevent someone from being able to escape, and it will block airflow and light. You must ensure the drainage system is running well and clear where the gravel at the bottom for sediment or soil can clog the drain. It will add a window well cover to prevent anything from falling, like visitors, pets, or children.

Steps are easy to access

There are newer window wells that have steps integrated into them. It will make cleaning and maintaining the window easier, and it helps you to use it as your emergency exit. When your window well housing has stairs built in, ensure they are clear of accessibility and debris. Any mildew or mold that will make steps slippery when getting up faster in an emergency must be removed.

Now that you know the idea about window wells, you can install and use them during your time at home. You will get all the benefits of using a window well from a known contractor to experience it.

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